• Specialized Care

    • Mock Webware

    Specialized Care in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania Care that is tailored to your special needs. Certain chronic conditions or life events may require specific types of care programs. Examples of these include major operations and debilitating mental illnesses. But with our professional caregivers, there’s no need to worry about having to adapt to such circumstances. They are trained to provide care for people who have to deal with special conditions at home. Specialized Care provides you with: Stroke recovery care Post-surgery care Parkinson’s care Special needs adult care Dementia care Companionship during treatment sessions Alzheimer’s care Veterans care To avail of our services, set an appointment. For questions and concerns, call (267) 473-1593.

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  • Homemaking Assistance

    • Mock Webware

    Homemakers in Pennsylvania Keep your house in order with our assistance. You don’t get to manage your household when you have to undergo regular treatment, recover from injuries or surgeries, or struggle with physical and mental handicaps. Yet, an unkempt home is no place to find healing and comfort. Fortunately, our caregivers can help you with that. They can assist you or even handle homemaking duties in your stead. Homemaking assistance provides you with: Laundry assistance Assistance with running errands Cleaning assistance Accompaniment to appointments Meal preparation assistance Garbage disposal Grocery shopping assistance To avail of our services, set an appointment. For questions and concerns, call (267) 473-1593.

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  • Personal Care

    • Mock Webware

    Personal Care in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania Let us help you stay fit and look fine. Pain, injuries, chronic illnesses, and physical or mental handicaps may prevent you from keeping your personal care routines. It’s not unusual for those who struggle with physical or mental difficulties to forget about their general well-being. Our personal care service can change that. With the help of our trained caregivers, maintaining your hygiene, watching your health, and following your old routines won’t be difficult anymore. Personal care provides you with: Assistance with activities of daily living Aid in doing exercise Aid in activities of personal hygiene Mobility assistance Assistance with incontinence issues Medication reminder Feeding assistance To…

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  • Respite Care

    • Mock Webware

    Respite Care in Pennsylvania Find time to recover and take care of yourself. There comes a time when you need help if you are a primary caregiver. We understand that taking care of a loved one with special care needs can be grueling and exhausting. But there’s no need to feel helpless. Our respite care services can give you the opportunity to manage your own affairs while we take care of your loved one for you. Respite care provides you with: Regular or scheduled visits Assistance with activities of daily living Regular status updates on the condition of the care recipient Assistance with staying in contact with…

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  • Facility Sitter

    • Mock Webware

    Companion in Pennsylvania You can have helping hands with you wherever you go. Your family and friends may be attending some other business and have to leave you at home or in a facility by yourself. Loneliness can be distressing, and we understand your need for someone to rely on when something happens or things have to be done. Be happy to know that we can provide you with a facility sitter. Now you can have a helpful friend with you while your loved ones are away. Facility Sitters provide you with: Companionship Accompaniment with errands Regular conversation Help with staying in contact with loved ones Companions for…

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